The Hacker Exchange
Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer

The Hacker Exchange's mission is to connect budding Aussie entrepreneurs with the opportunities, passion, networks and resources that can only be found in Silicon Valley, the innovation capital of the world. 

Our philosophy? To inspire action, pay it forward and never stop learning. 

UNSTUCK is a one-day event for small business owners, entrepreneurs, creatives and solo-founders to help you find another gear, challenge yourself, and actually get stuff done. 

The event featured keynotes from Dr Kate Cornick (LaunchVic), Andrew Lai (SproutX) and Chris Malcahy (Enablr), plus workshops and an after party. 

As part of RMIT's Entrepreneurship Week and the Vic Gov's Digital Innovation Festival we were pumped to bring this event to the Melbourne community in 2017.


Gingerbread Demolition
Co-creator & Chief Smasher

The Gingerbread Demolition is a Melbourne charity event for Save the Children Australia's Cubbies program. 

Cubbies, based in Fitzroy, provides a safe place for vulnerable children to play, learn and grow, with trained youth workers providing mentorship and support.

The event is a chance to unleash your inner child - decorating cookies, smashing gingerbread - all for a good cause. If you'd like to get involved, join the Demolition Crew

General Assembly
Speaker, Instructor

General Assembly teaches innovative courses in design, marketing, technology, and data — online and on campuses worldwide.

Over the past few years, I've led workshops on marketing, pitching, networking, soft skills and communication essentials for a few years now, and so far it's been great fun and really inspiring!

Financial Services
Digital Innovation

With over 14 years building superannuation, investment, financial planning and digital initiatives at ANZ, AMP, AXA, IOOF and Consultum Financial Advisers, it's safe to say I have domain expertise in the financial services and wealth space.   

I've represented ANZ as a panellist at the Financial Services Council Leaders Forum, speaking on the topic of Millennial engagement; helped lead my ANZ Hackathon team to a 'People's Choice' victory with a savings-focussed in-app game; and spoken as a FinTech panellist alongside the Acorns Australia CEO. 

Other areas of expertise

Startup Education

I specialise in teaching essential business skills for technical or creative founders in Melbourne and San Francisco, and run the occasional guest lecture at unis and accelerators.

Marketing Strategy

I've launched scores of new products and services in both the corporate and startup space, and love talking about customer intimacy and market research.